To the Members of the School Law Section:
It was a pleasure to see those of you who were able to attend the School Law Retreat at the San Luis Resort in Galveston. The Retreat Program Co-Chairs, Joey Moore and Ellen Spalding did an outstanding job in coordinating fantastic speakers and timely subjects. Planning is underway for the UT School Law Conference in February 2009. Personally, I am already planning for the 2009 School Law Retreat, which will move to the Hill Country Hyatt for 2009 and 2010!
I want to thank Leticia McGowan for her hard work on this excellent newsletter. The newsletter is certainly a valuable resource for Texas school attorneys. In this edition, we have several great articles, including a discussion of student religious expression law by David R. Schleicher, one addressing student-on-student sexual harassment by Mel Waxler, and finally, one on special education immunity issues by Donald G. Henslee, Amanda M. Bigbee, and Heather Rutland. I am also pleased to announce that Ellen Spalding has agreed to co-edit the newsletter with Leticia. If you have ideas for articles that you would like to write, please do not hesitate to contact either Leticia at or Ellen at
A heartfelt thank you is also extended to Shellie Hoffman Crow, our outgoing Section Chair. She has done a tremendous job and it has truly been a pleasure working with Shellie. I am looking forward to a successful 2008-2009 term as Section Chair. If you have any great ideas or suggestions for the School Law Section of the State Bar, feel free to send an e-mail to me at
Miles T. Bradshaw Section Chair 2008-2009