Greetings School Law Section Members!
First of all, let me thank you for your membership in the School Law Section. The section fosters collaboration and quality legal education for members of the school law community. You can help by your continued participation in the section. We also need you to encourage colleagues to join the section. You can also help by either contributing or suggesting topics and/or authors for our newsletter. Our editors have done an outstanding job putting this issue together, but they need your help to continue the high quality of work for which our publication is known. One of the projects just authorized by the section council was a proposal by newsletter Co-Editor, Michael Shirk to hold a writ- ing competition for law students interested in writing topics on school law.
Another project underway is a rewrite of the section’s governance documents. Among the subjects under considera- tion will be a proposal to move our official business meeting at which officers and directors are selected from the annual meeting of the state bar to our retreat. While we feel that more of our members participate in the retreat than our meeting at the state bar annual meeting, we want to increase interest in our section by continuing to have a strong presence at the annual meeting.
Please mark your calendars now for our next school law section retreat, which will be held at the Woodlands Resort & Conference center just north of Houston on July 22 and 23, 2005. Council members Joy Baskin and Christopher Gilbert have volunteered to put the program together. If you have ideas for topics or presenters, I am sure they would appreciate your input. Council member Daniel Ortiz has volunteered to coordinate the annual golf tournament at the retreat.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions for our newsletter, the retreat, or our section. I look forward to working with you.
Lonnie F. Hollingsworth, Jr. Chair
State Bar School Law Section