August 2003 Texas School Law Section

2003 Fall Newsletter


Welcome from the State Bar School Law Section!

First, let me thank the editors, editorial board members and writers who have contributed their knowledge, talent, and untold (and nonbillable) hours to bring you this excellent newsletter. Please take advantage of this great resource now, and please consider contributing to this publication in the future.

Second, let me thank the volunteers who have agreed to serve as officers and directors of the State Bar School Law Section. Their names and addresses are listed below. Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions, ideas or offers of assistance.

At this time, the School Law Section’s planned program of work includes: 1) preparation for the next State Bar School Law Section Retreat, which will be held July 16-17, 2004; 2) consideration of participation in the Texas State Bar Convention on June 24-25, 2004, given that the Bar will induct as its president, Kelly Frels, the first school lawyer to be so elected; 3) improvement in use of technology to assist Section mem- bers; 4) consideration of coordination of continuing legal education with the Government Law and Family Law Sections; 5) consideration of better inclusion into the Section of attorneys involved in other related areas, including special education and higher education; and 6) consideration of proposed legislation to cure common problems related to family law and child custody matters arising in schools.

Also, don’t forget to attend the UT School Law Conference scheduled to be held in Austin on February 26- 27, 2004. Your conference planners have developed an interesting and informative program, and I urge you to join us there.

Finally, thank you for the opportunity to serve you as chair of our great Section. Just as you never know the full story until you hear both sides, our strength in this Section comes from having both sides of the Bar serving in integral roles. Together, we make education better in Texas!

Lynn Rossi Scott
State Bar School Law Section Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P. 201 Main Street, Suite 1600 Fort Worth, Texas 76102-3105 817/332-8143
500 North Akard, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75201
(By appointment only) 214/758-1091

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