2009 Spring Newsletter


To The Members of the School Law Section:

First, let me thank Leticia McGowan and Ellen Spalding, co-editors of this outstanding edition of the newsletter. The articles are timely and valuable to all of us as we represent our school clients in 2009 and beyond. If you have ideas for articles that you would like to write, please contact Leticia at lmcgowan@dallasisd.org or Ellen at espalding@feldmanrogers.com.

The Section council and others are planning the 2009 Summer Retreat scheduled for July 17-18, 2009 at the Hill Country Hyatt near San Antonio – mark your calendar! I would like to thank Kaye DeWalt and Michael Currie for their service as program chairs. I know they will bring us an outstanding program.

This year the Section lost a dedicated professional and good friend to all – Eric Schulze of the Walsh Anderson law firm. As we go forth in our personal and professional lives as school attorneys, we should all remember Eric for his contributions over the years to the legal profession and to this Section. Eric’s contributions exemplify the underlying purpose of our organization – that together we are greater than the sum of our parts, and we can all gain from helping one another.

Miles T. Bradshaw Section Chair 2008-2009

“All of us are smarter than one of us.” – Japanese proverb

“Every great man is always being helped by everybody; for his gift is to get good out of all things and all persons.” – John Ruskin

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