December 2006 Texas School Law Section

2006 Winter Newsletter


To the Members of the School Law Section:

If there is any practice of law that is more rewarding than school law, I can not imagine what it might be. The school law Section is unique in the family atmosphere that our members enjoy.

We need your involvement in the Section. We need your continued membership and we need you to encour- age other interested lawyers to join our section. We need authors for our newsletter and suggestions of top- ics and speakers for our conferences. We are committed to maintaining the highest quality in our section newsletter and in our seminars.

As a section, we are busy! On January 13, as your Chair, I made a report to the Council of Chairs of the State Bar at the regular meeting of the Council. The other Sections of the State Bar are interested in how our section continues to successfully sponsor an outstanding summer retreat without substantial involve- ment of the State Bar staff.

We have also been invited by the State Bar of Texas to produce a brief seminar for an upcoming state bar webcast. If you are interested in participating in this, please contact me.

Please mark your calendars for our summer retreat which will be held at the Woodlands on July 21st – 22nd. It is my distinct privilege and honor to serve as your Chair. Please contact me if you have any questions or

suggestions about any activity of the School Law Section. I look forward to working with each of you. Respectfully,

Wayne D. Haglund
State Bar of Texas School Law Section WDH/bg

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